Campus Reservations space use policies
Specific space use policies
- Community Arts Auditorium use
- McGregor Memorial Conference Center use
- Outdoor space use
- St. Andrew's Hall use
- Student Center use
- Table use
Any group requesting to serve alcohol must follow the steps below:
- Groups may not bring their own alcohol into at any University owned building on the main campus or medical/pharmacy campus or WSU owned building in the City of Detroit.
- Must fill out a Request to Serve Alcohol form provided by the Office of Special Events. Please contact 313-577-4585 or screservations@wayne.edu to request the form.
- Must hire Catering by 313 Dining Co. to purchase and serve the alcohol.
- No admission fees can be charged if alcohol is being served at an event in Student Center Building.
Amplified sound
Amplified sound of any kind is permitted only on Keast Commons, only during Student Center operating hours, and only with a reservation.
Programs or events that use amplified sound are not permitted elsewhere on campus at any time other than as part of official university events.
All outdoor events are subject to the City of Detroit noise ordinance.
Bake sales
The group must comply with all health regulations established by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
Food sale and service locations must comply with standards set by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
To book a bake sale please visit ems.wayne.edu or Student Center and Campus Reservations in Suite 011 of the Student Center.
Reservations make use of many services such as room set-up, audio-visual assistance, food service, building management and maintenance. Furthermore, staff members spend a considerable amount of time processing the paperwork involved in such requests.
Failure to cancel a reservation at least one full business day prior to the scheduled event or not showing up to claim the space within 30 minutes of the reserved start time may result in the assessment of an administrative fee. The fee will be determined based on room type, equipment ordered and labor involved.
A history of cancellations and/or no-shows may result in refused future reservation requests for the remainder of the semester in which the infractions occur and upon review of either the Dean of Students Office advisor or the director of the Student Center.
Catering and food service
The purpose of the WSU food policy is to provide opportunities for meetings and events with food that can be held safely, consistent with Public Health Department guidelines, and without undue potential for damage to on campus facilities.
Catering by 313 Dining Co. is the sole provider of food totaling $1,000 or more in Student Center managed spaces (including snacks).
Catering and food service policy
Student organizations and/or University departments may not serve as "fronts" for off-campus organizations and/or departments in order to gain use of meeting space or information tables. Meetings and events reserved by university student organizations or departments must fall under both of the following guidelines:
- The event/meeting must be conceptualized, planned and managed by the student organization or department and must truly be an organization or department initiative.
- Any costs associated with the event/meeting must be paid by the student organization and/or department.
If Student Center and Campus Reservations suspects and/or believes that a student organization and/or department is fronting, reservation capabilities for that organization and/or department will be revoked. Student organizations and/or organizers may also face student code of conduct charges.
Literature tables
Registered student organizations and departments reserving literature tables are allowed two reservations per week. Each reservation is limited to three hours.
Outdoor BBQ guidelines
As of June 2019 all BBQs must be provided by Catering by 313 Dining Co.
Student organization recurring reservations
Student Organizations may make up to two recurring reservations per week. If additional recurring reservations are needed please contact Student Center and Campus Reservations at 313-577-4585. Additional meetings can be added week-of if space is available.